I have had endometriosis for as long as I can remember and because of that I have seen my symptoms grow and new symptoms form so I decided to tell you a bit about how my irst ever symptoms have progressed.
the earliest symptoms I remember were painful periods, heavy periods and long periods.
I was an early bloomer getting my first period really young and then not getting one again until like a year later (I had spotted in between times) and after that, I was full-on regular. my periods started out at seven days long all good and well but by the time I was ten my periods were upwards of twelve to fourteen days long that was when I was put on birth control which put my periods back to seven days long and then after I fell pregnant at fourteen and had my miscarriage my periods went to five days long and haven't changed since.
I remember missing days from school because I would be crying nonstop and vomiting because of the pain. in middle school, it got to the point where some days I couldn't even walk because I was in so much pain. after my pregnancy, my pain decreased a small amount to the point where I was able to walk around more and from ages fourteen to seventeen there were only three occurrences of not being able to walk because of pain. however I now pass out temporary from pain and still vomit from it, the pain has also moved from just my period to ovulation to now at seventeen only have a week pain free.
When it comes to the amount of blood I have lost I don't remember the way it has changed over the years but right now I go through around nine maternity pads in my average monthly cycle but can sometimes be more or less.
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