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Showing posts from September, 2020

Signs You Might Have Endometriosis

When I first started developing signs of endometriosis doctors wouldn't believe me or my mother about what was going on, the pain I was experiencing and more. last month I made a post talking about how my symptoms have progressed over the years but this month I have decided to talk about signs that you might have endometriosis. Painful periods are a major interactor of endometriosis. periods should never be painful. painful sexual intercourse, while sometimes pain during sex is normal when you have endometriosis from what I have experienced and heard from other suffers is pain during and afterwards, sometimes to the point of passing out or throwing up. Cramping or pain during bowel movements or urination.  Infertility. Excessive bleeding this is one of my biggest signs is excessive bleeding, I go through so many pads it isn't even funny. You may also experience:  fatigue  diarrhea constipation bloating  nausea