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Showing posts from January, 2020

My endometriosis journey

TMI warning, blood, and all the beautifulness of female periods  this blog post is about a brief overview of how i found out about my suspected endometriosis and the journey so far that i have had with this illness my journey with this condition started when i was around six or seven years old when i had my first period. yes, i was an early bloomer.  my periods were irregular until i was nine years old. my mum always knew when another period was about to hit because i started getting pain from ovulation though until my period finished and i was very moody so she just knew. i was in and out of doctors for the pain for years, at ten i was put on birth control to try and stop my ten-fourteen day periods that were very heavy down to seven days which worked but not with the flow. at this point, i was missing a few days of school a month. by age fourteen i was in and out of the emergency room and different doctors for the pain, i was vomiting, curled up in pain, missing tw...